Woodlands Federation

The Woodlands Federation

St Peter's Church of England First School

We are part of The Moorlands Primary Federation Trust.


First School

Woodlands Federation

The Square, Marchington, Staffordshire, ST14 8LH


01283 820252

School Council

Our School Council aims to encourage our children to:

  • Develop confidence and responsibility and make the most of their abilities.
  • Prepare them to play an active role as citizens.
  • Develop healthy, safer lifestyles.
  • Develop good relationships and respect the differences between people.
  • To have a “voice” and to share their opinions and ideas with others.


We value the benefits of operating a School Council. The School Council represents the whole school.  We feel they benefit the whole community and as a school we operate as a community. Our School Council work will enable pupils with positive attitudes to exert a positive influence. Everyone will benefit from the work of the School Council.

Our School Council aims to ensure our children have:

  • A safe, happy and fair learning environment.
  • A forum to voice their concerns and act upon them.
  • A structured opportunity to learn problem-solving skills.
  • An opportunity to take an active role in the organisation of the school.
  • An opportunity to experience a democratic process. 

Our School Council should encourage pupils to develop:

  • A sense of ownership over policy and practice.
  • A consensus over their school needs.
  • A responsibility towards the school community. 

Our School Council should give pupils experiences of:

  • Planning, organising and monitoring small projects.
  • Speaking and listening skills.
  • Debating skills.
  • Mediation and negotiating skills.
  • Our School Council aims to prepare our pupils for citizenship by teaching them about roles, rights and responsibilities within the school system.


Class elections will be held every year so that different representatives can be chosen each year. Each class (Reception to Year 4) will vote for 2 school council representatives (ideally 1 boy and 1 girl). The children will think about their reasons as to why they want to be a member of the school council and share their reasons with the class so that they can make an informed decision when they vote.

Children will then be given a 'ballot paper' and mark which members of their class they would like to represent them. The votes will then be totaled and school council reps will be nominated in the next whole school assembly.

Link between the school and class: 

  • Each class will operate a class council in which issues are discussed associated with their class. If, however, an issue does occur which they feel needs to be forwarded to the School Council, then the issue will be presented to the School Council through the class representative.
  • The School Council will be leading more meetings with the whole school to hear their feedback on a termly basis.
  • Feedback will be provided from each School Council Meeting through minutes from the meetings and feedback from the link teacher. 

Giving feedback to pupils:

Following the School Council Meeting, School Council Members speak to their class to let them know what is going on and tell the class about the issues being discussed and what is happening next.  This will encourage more children to contribute to further meetings, share worries and let members know the things which could be done to improve the school. 



The children absolutely loved voting our Class School Council Reps!

Our School Council Reps took on the roll of creating posters to let everyone know that there was a competition to change the House Teams. They then met together to narrow down the entries and leave the best 3 for the rest of the school to vote on. 

This year, we interviewed for our Nursery Keyworker role and the School Council were a big part of this. They wrote questions to ask the candidates and were so sensible in giving feedback to help us get the right person for the job!

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